Whether you write blog posts on your own website or like to post them on third-party pages, you want your messages to be read by the site’s users. Use the following tips to make your writing as effective as it can be.
- Post at least once a week. Create a regular posting schedule and stick to it. Users then anticipate you have to say and look forward to it. Remember that every post is an additional opportunity to market your company. The more you put out there, the more contact you get with a potential customer.
- Make it about them. If your only experience with blog-writing comes from your personal social media pages, you’re used to talking only about yourself. When you’re blogging for business, your content must focus solely on customer needs. Otherwise, if your writing concerns only your new office machine or how you’re rearranging your desk, your customers are not going to bother to read what you have to say.
- Keep it concise. Your audience takes time out of their busy day to see what you have to say. Give them what they need as quickly as possible by limiting your blog posts to an average of 250 to 300 words. If you must write 500 words or more, divide your text into two or more posts. Avoid large blocks of text. Break your writing up into short paragraphs and use headings so your readers immediately know where your words are headed.
- Optimize each post. Its east to apply simple SEO principles to you blog post. Simply get in a habit of setting the page title, url and meta description of your post so the content and the the SEO settings all organically sync up with the keywords you are targeting.
- Target 500 words or more. This one is difficult to achieve sometimes. A three hundred word post should be minimum. Five hundred words or more is optimal. Anything over five hundred words is fantastic.
- Try to include 1-2 external links. Be careful with this one. Strategically linking to high quality sites that are relevant to your site and the article or post sends and an important signal to Google. Yet, you do not want to arbitrarily link to sites just to have external links. the following is an example. We are writing a blog post, about blog post on a website that has content regarding web design and search engine optimization. This post is about SEO tips for blog posts. Thus, if we link to a trusted ‘authority’ website that is related, adds value to and in some ways validates this post and position, Google will essentially give it a higher score than a similar post that does not have strategic external link. Example link to a relevant, high authority website that add value to this post: moz blogging tips
- Promote on Your Social Networks. After you’ve spent the time to create a great new post, be sure to announce and promote it in your content distribution channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, email newsletters, etc.
For more information on blogging, or if you want us to design a website that includes social features, please contact us.
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