If you are a burgeoning business trying to get a solid footing in the electronic world, having killer web design is crucial. However, having a great website is more than just using colors or images to appeal to the eye of the viewer.

With the variety of different internet-connected devices out there, it is equally important to have a website that will adapt to different screen resolutions and sizes. You wouldn’t want your carefully designed page to go skiddy-wonkers when shrunk to the size of a mobile phone, would you?

The major key here is that a site that features mobile web design is going to be flexible and it will be context-aware.

What Components Make Up a Site that Features Mobile Web Design?

When it comes to images, they will need to look just as good horizontally, vertically, and in all different screen sizes. The difficulty is that there are over 400 different devices out there and creating contingencies for each one used to be nearly impossible. Thankfully, this is easier now than it was a few years ago. Now there are things called “fluid grids” and “fluid images” that definitely simplify this process. There are also plenty of websites that will provide you with information on how to make these fluid images.

Basically, creating these images requires a knowledge of CSS coding (or someone that understands CSS coding if you don’t care to) and a dash of patience. A beautifully optimized website will allow you to proudly watch your website go from screen to screen without the slightest hitch.

Just remember, no process is perfect and you might have to sacrifice parts of images for the sake of quality. The important thing is that your website keeps a consistently professional and appealing look that is accessible to everyone, no matter if they have a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone.